Top 10 Questions Psychics Get Asked

Psychics are privy to our innermost thoughts and feelings, but according to one of the expert psychics at Psychic Living, a website that represents a range of different psychic readers and mediums, we aren’t so different from each other when we sit down for a psychic reading. There are a number of questions that are pretty much guaranteed to always come up, and often they’re based around the subject of love, money and career.


Top 10 Questions Psychics Get Asked

Top 10 Questions Psychics Get Asked

1. Where am I headed in my life? This is what everyone wants to know. A psychic may not be able to give you a specific answer, but they can help you evaluate your life so far.

2. Am I in a relationship with the right person – is this the one? We all want to know if we’ve made the right choice of partner, or if we’re single, whether we’ll find a partner soon.

3. I feel like my life is on hold – how do I move forward? Many of us are in a routine with our lives. It’s natural to feel too contained now and then. A psychic can help you look at what you are doing and whether now is the time to make any changes.

4. Can I get a message to a relative who has died? Psychics and clairvoyants have always had the reputation of being able to act as an interpreter between the world of the living and the world of the deceased. If you are looking to communicate with a loved one’s spirit, ask during your reading.

5. Is anything bad going to happen to me in the future? We all have concerns that things will go wrong. A psychic will be able to help you address those fears.

6. How can I improve a certain situation? Many people who contact psychics have a particular issue that they need help resolving. Talking it through with a psychic can help you decide what you should do next.

7. What will the consequences be if I do ‘x’? If you are ready to make a big change in your life, talking about it with a psychic will help you see the possible repercussions of your choice before you go ahead with it.

8. Where do I find the meaning in my life? If you’re feeling unfulfilled, it may be time to make some changes. Then again, maybe you’re being too hard on yourself. A psychic can help you take a more objective view of your life as a whole.

9. Should I stop doing ‘x’? Sometimes, we know deep in our hearts that we are doing the wrong thing. Hearing someone else confirm our thoughts may be the final push we need to make changes.

10. How can I get that promotion? If you have a particular goal you are striving for, it can be really useful to get a third party view on what you’re doing to achieve that goal.

And the advice from the psychics at Psychic Living? Don’t worry about what other people are asking. Your reading is about you and the issues that are concerning you. Don’t be afraid to ask anything and the psychic will do their best to provide you with the insights and information you are seeking.

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One Response to “Top 10 Questions Psychics Get Asked”

  1. Mel says:

    Questions relating to matters of the heart, e.g. relationship problems, or is he/she the one, when will i meet my soulmate are definitely the most frequent in my experience as a psychic reader 🙂


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