Top 10 Online Thrill Seeking Activities

Nothing quite beats the adrenaline rush of a skydive—just ask Felix Baumgartner, the man who spent nine minutes on 14 October 2012 breaking the sound barrier in a free fall from 128,000 feet. Baumgartner—or “Fearless Felix”—was sponsored by Red Bull and his endeavours watched on a YouTube live stream. Not all of us have the training or resources for booking a skydiving session – much less the wherewithal to accomplish such a feat. But the online world provides us plenty of opportunities to achieve our adrenaline fix. Here’s a list of the top ten Online Thrilling Activities you can do to enjoy the moments of your life.


Top 10 Online Thrill Seeking Activities

Top 10 Online Thrill Seeking Activities

1. Monopoly


The internet, in addition to giving us revolutionary ways to connect across continents, is still influenced by the pre-digital age: just look at the number of classic childhood games available to play online. Monopoly is one of the favourites.


2. Risk


If you’re feeling particularly gutsy, tackle the world beyond your city with online Risk and experience world domination from your couch.


3. Dungeons and Dragons


Digital versions of old-school Battleship and Clue will only last the thrill-seeker so long. Games have evolved with the internet, meaning that you can role play in the cult classic Dungeons and Dragons.


4. Modern Warfare 3


This will be the closest you can get to being a hero-at-home. To wield your cyber chambers, shoot enemy warriors in this updated version of the classic video game.


5. Halo


If cyber warfare is just too unexciting for you, bring in an element of supernatural and: you can conquer the cruel Covenant creatures right on your computer.


6. Cleopatra Slots


You can raise the stakes of your thrill-seeking and go gambling—online. Nothing quite beats the sensation of winning money at the click of a button and gambling classics like Cleopatra Slots, poker and blackjack are all available online. Promotions like welcome bonuses, cash back and free spins make the prospect more tempting. Some websites even offer mobile compatible or downloadable games, allowing you to gamble on the go.


7. Facebook


Leave it to Italian students to show us that social activity boosts our mood. According to research conducted at the University of Milan, using social networking sites such as Facebook elevates our mood on a psychophysiological level. Looking through old photos and status updates also has a proven mood-boosting effect.


 8. YouTube


Now that you’re committed to your computer, the closest you can get to skydiving may be watching it online. YouTube can be a small-scale jackpot for any adrenaline junkie. It features videos of everything from Felix’s record-breaking free fall to those conquering Mavericks, a wave so dangerous surfers must be taken to it on jet skis with helicopters standing by for emergency evacuation.


9. At-home Harlem Shake


Youtube’s channels are overrun with editions of the Harlem Shake. If you’re secretly craving a dance party for an at-home adrenaline rush, the Harlem Shake is your chance to do so.


10. Plan your own activity


If ploughing through YouTube channels is inspiring, you can always plan your next offline thrill-seeking activity from the comfort of your couch. The web is rife with resources for planning holidays and excursions that will serve as the ultimate perfect adrenaline fix.

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