Top 10 Most Traded Commodities

Commodities trading is one of the most popular trading business after stock exchange. Trading commodities is the thing people and nations have been doing since the dawn of human civilization. It is actually a strategy of buying and selling of the items which are being produced in bulk in one country and is then traded to other to earn money and make the economy thus strong. Trading has been the most profitable business with the ever increasing demand of the highly rising population too. So you are looking for the most popular and most extensively traded commodities in this era. Well you have arrived at the right place. We are going to discuss all these things here. So lets come on have a look at the Top 10 Most Traded Commodities in the World.


10. Cotton




Cotton is a sot and fluffy plant which grows in the shape of a capsule around the seed of the plant. Cotton is on the 10th spot of the most traded commodity in the world this time. Cotton is not only used for making and sewing clothes but its applications are also found in coffee filters, fire hoses cosmetics, medicine and a lot more. Cotton is the most commonly used natural fiber for clothes which has made it come to be the most traded commodity.

9. Wheat




Wheat is another important trading commodity which is a cereal grain and is abundatly used by humans for eating. Wheat is really good for health as it contains a lot of proteins. Wheat was one of the first crop which started cultivated on a large scale for consuming for humans and it is easy to cultivate and harvest. Wheat is the 3rd most produced cereal grain after rice and maize.

8. Corn




Corn which is also known as Maize is also a cereal grain like wheat which is a leafy stalk which contain seeds called kernels. Corn is also cultivated on a majority of land as it is easily grown on worst climatic conditions . It is mostly cropped in North and south America and in some parts of south east Asia too. Field corn and sweet corn both are used and consumed by Animals and humans respectively, making it one of the top trading commodities in the World.

7. Sugar




Sugar is really a sweet flavored commodity which is vastly used all over the world. The major country of production of Sugar are Brazil, India and Pakistan. Sugar is extracted from Sugar cane. Apart from its sweetness and so much of popularity of being the most traded commodity, sugar has really adverse effects on human health as it is the fundamental of being fatty. Some people say Sugar to be the white poison too.

6. Silver




Silver is a metallic element which is naturally found in its pure form. Silver is also one of the most widely used product in today’s world. It is mostly used in making silver jewelry, currency coins and kitchen utensils. Apart from the domestic usage of silver, it is also used in industries as electric conductors and mirrors. It is indeed a precious metal and also ranks 6th in Top 10 Most Trading Commodities in the World.

5. Brent Oil


Brent Oil

Brent Oil

With the increasing demand of oil in the world now and the precious value and price of crude oil, Brent oil has also gained a lot of popularity and is able to get in the best world’s commodity. It is mostly widely used throughout Europe and Africa and is found in North Sea mostly. It is available in different grades and is widely used to determine the price of crude oil too, so its importance can not be ignored.

4. Gold




Gold is also a valuable and really precious metal which exists in shiny soft form and is highly ductile. Gold is thought to be the Ultimate possession and the actual source of Richness and  people have now started to judge the richness of any person by the wealth of its gold in its ownership. Gold is indeed a symbol of beauty and extreme richness. In start of human evolution, gold was the primary source of trading commodities and had been used as a currency for ages. The most invested and versatile metal on the earth is indeed one of the top trading commodity in the world.

3. Natural Gas


Natural Gas

Natural Gas

Natural gas is the most basic and the most important energy source which occurs in natural form mainly used for the purpose of generating electricity and some of the other uses includes heating process with the help of natural gas. You can easily imagine how much natural gas is important commodity that 25% of USA electricity consumption is all based on Natural Gas Electricity generation. Natural gas is found in crude oil which is the Number 1 most popular and most traded commodity in the world.

2. Coffee




Coffee is prepared from coffee beans which is the most traded commodity — These beans are not yet roasted and are traded for other countries so that they can use them accordingly. Coffee beans are really good for health and can be used as a diet food too. Coffee finds its origin from Arabia where it is cultivated the most. It is one of the most cultivated agricultural product too and of course 2nd top traded item in the world.

1. Crude Oil


Crude Oil

Crude Oil

Crude Oil which mentioned earlier is the Number 1 Most Traded Commodity in the world is usually known as Petroleum and is a mixture of different organic materials found under the earth. Being in finite quantity, this great fossil fuel is considered to be one of the most expensive commodity in the world. The reason that there are economical crashes and cold wars going all over the world in different countries is the only Crude Oil. Every country wants to be owner of these oil wells, but it is most extensively found in Arabian countries.

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