Top 10 Ways To Prevent Hair Loss

Hair Loss is one thing every person has to encounter at some stage of his life. People have tried so much over the past few years to come up with effective hair loss prevention methods and solutions. But one must know the cause of hair loss before trying to find its solution. Hair loss is caused by numerous factors like bad diet, stress, genetics, medication, chemicals along with several other factors. To prevent hair loss, one must find ways to overcome the causes of hair loss. There is absolutely no need for medicines or drugs to cure hair loss. By using natural methods, you can prevent hair loss in the most effective way without any adverse side-effects.

I have made this list of the Top 10 Ways To Prevent Hair Loss. Following these instructions in the top 10 list, you may be able to prevent hair loss:


10. Stop Smoking


Stop Smoking

Stop Smoking


Smoking Kills! Not only is smoking injurious to health but it also inhibits hair growth. So if you are looking to prevent hair loss, put that stick away. It will do you wonders.


9. Keep hydrated


Keep hydrated

Keep hydrated


One of the leading causes of hair loss is dehydration, especially in the scalp area. Dehydration causes dryness and abrasiveness in scalp, leading to increased hair loss. To prevent this, you must keep your body hydrated. Drink plenty of water and you will find that you can easily prevent hair loss.


8. Avoid Certain Hairstyles


Avoid Certain Hairstyles

Avoid Certain Hairstyles


Many hairstyles require hair to be tangled up together. This increases friction among hair. Also this causes lesser air contact with your hair. Avoid this to prevent hair loss. Just let your natural hair rule over. You’ll see noticeable difference in hair loss.


7. Exercise





Physical exercise can be really helpful in reducing hair loss. You may wonder how exercise is linked with hair loss. Well, exercise helps in increased blood circulation, meaning more blood is pumped towards the hair follicles. As a result, the scalp remains well circulated and the hair loss is prevented in a more efficient way.


6. Avoid Constant heating and drying procedures


Avoid Constant heating and drying procedures

Avoid Constant heating and drying procedures


After showering, many women apply hair dryer and warm air to the air. Avoid this! Blowing warm air for drying purposes is one of the most common mistakes people make. This contributes to hair loss. To prevent hair loss, make sure you avoid this practice. Also don’t rub wet hair with a towel. Gently tap at your wet hair. This will also allow you to manage hair loss much better.


5. Sleep





After working out, it is essential for the body to recover. For that, you need to have adequate sleep. Sleeping for 7-8 hours a day can help you recover better. Also the growth of muscles and hair occur when the body is in resting phase. So sleeping 8 hours a day is essential for hair loss.


4. Avoid chemicals


Avoid chemicals

Avoid chemicals


One of the leading causes of hair loss is using chemicals on hair. Always use a gentle shampoo. Avoid gel and other such hair products. These are all chemicals and harm your hair tremendously. Avoiding such chemicals will allow you to prevent hair loss much efficiently.


3. Stay calm


Stay calm

Stay calm


Avoid stress and stay calm! Stress for any reason, be it work related or the fact that you’re losing hair can increase hair loss. Don’t worry about stress. Give it all you’ve got and then relax. There’s nothing more you can do in your power. Managing stress is an effective hair loss solution.


2. Scalp massage


Scalp massage

Scalp massage


Scalping massage is an integral part of hair loss prevention. Gently scalping your head with the tip of your fingers with a gentle shampoo can do wonders for you. Not only will it help you keep relaxed, it will also allow increased blood circulation in the scalp. This will lead to reduced hair loss.


1. Eat Balanced Diet


Eat Balanced Diet

Eat Balanced Diet


Eating balanced diet is essential part of hair loss prevention methods. This is the reason why this is number one on the top 10 list. A diet rich in all nutrients, especially protein and potassium, will ensure that your hair are well “fed”. Potassium acts as a natural hair conditioner by regulating the blood pH levels. Proteins, as we all know, are an integral part of cell building, and in this case, Keratin building. Also try to avoid raw white eggs as they inhibit the production of vitamin B, an essential part of hair building mechanism.



I hope this top 10 list helps you in providing you with solutions to prevent hair loss. Let me know your thoughts and additional information in the comments below.


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One Response to “Top 10 Ways To Prevent Hair Loss”

  1. Simon says:

    The best solution for hairloss for me is using RegenePure. One of the best hairloss shampoos, and it contains ketoconazole. Especially for thinning hair.

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