Top 10 Shoulder Exercises

Shoulders are the real beauty in every person’s physique. For both men and women looking to look great, having great shapely shoulders is a must. For men, shoulders are the parts of your body noticed when in a suit at office or a function. So instead of spending too much time exercising on chest and arms, shoulders should get the maximum attention. Shoulders and upper back are also essential to get the much talked about V-shape. For women, having shapely shoulders enhances the overall physique of the body. Therefore, proper exercise regimen must be followed to get shoulders in shape. I have compiled the following list which mentions some of the best shoulder exercises for both men and women.Here are the Top 10 Shoulder Exercises are:



10. Pull Ups

Pull Ups

Pull Ups

Pull Ups is one of the best shoulder exercises. Not only does it work out your shoulders but also your back muscles. Pull ups are complete upper body exercise. The best indicator of strength is to master the pull ups exercise. Pull ups are primarily used as warm up exercise before beginning the shoulders workout.


9. Shoulder machine press

Shoulder machine press

Shoulder machine press

Shoulder machine press is a shoulder workout similar to the military press, with the only difference that instead of the barbell, you use machine. Shoulder machine press is actually a very good exercise for beginners who struggle to control the weights. Once you establish proper control, you can move to military press exercises. The only downsize of machine press is that sometimes, one is unable to balance the weights on both shoulders, leading to one shoulder lifting more than the other.


8. Upright row

Upright row

Upright row

Upright row is a great shoulder exercise. The deltoids and lateral muscles in shoulders are worked through this exercise. You simply have to grasp a barbell using grip shoulder width apart and lift the bar towards your neck. Proper posture has to be maintained. Pull strength is mainly applied in this shoulder exercise.


7. Shrugs



Shoulder shrugs easily make the top 10 list of shoulder exercises. Shrugs can be performed using dumbbells or barbells. This shoulder exercise is used to develop the upper trapezius muscle. Standing erect with hands and feet shoulder width apart, you raise your shoulders straight up, as high as you can, and return back to starting position, depicting a shrug movement. This is an excellent finishing exercise in shoulders workout.


6. Bent-over lateral raise

Bent-over lateral raise

Bent-over lateral raise

Bent-over lateral raises target the deltoids and posterior shoulder muscles. A lot of people tend to ignore the rear deltoid head during shoulders workout. Bent-over lateral raises work those parts of shoulders. One of the top 10 shoulder exercises, this is one of the toughest exercises because a proper posture has to be maintained throughout the workout.


5. Arnold press

Arnold press

Arnold press

Arnold Press is a variation of the dumbbell military press. This exercise was found by Arnold Schwarzenegger, a famous actor and bodybuilder. Very similar to the overhead dumbbell press, Arnold Press works the anterior and deltoid muscles of the shoulder. Holding two dumbbells in front of shoulders, with palms facing towards the body, move your elbows to the side and and raise above your head, moving your palms in a direction away from your body. Lower back to the starting position. This is a great shoulder exercise which you should try.


4. Side Lateral raise

Side Lateral raise

Side Lateral raise

Dumbbell side lateral raises are an integral part of the shoulders workout. Targeting the lateral and deltoid muscles of shoulders, side lateral raises are one of the top 10 shoulder exercises. Holding dumbbells to your sides, raise your elbows and arms wide, reaching your shoulder height. Hold for a second and return slowly. Side lateral raises really pump up your shoulders and are one of the best shoulder exercises.


3. Front Lateral raise

Front Lateral raise

Front Lateral raise

Performed in a similar starting posture as the dumbbell side raise, the front lateral raise targets your supraspinatus muscles in shoulders. Holding dumbbells to the side, raise your elbows straight in front of your body at shoulder height, hold for two seconds and return slowly. Front lateral raises also are an integral part of the shoulder workout.


2. Dumbbell Military press

Dumbbell Military press

Dumbbell Military press

Dumbbell Military Press is one of the best shoulder exercises, and makes the top 10 list of nearly every shoulder exercise list. Dumbbell press mainly works your shoulder deltoids and anterior muscles. Using dumbbells instead of barbell gives you more control when lifting weight and you also overcome any weak side you may have which is overlooked when using barbell. Dumbbell military presses are primary shoulder exercises with lots of variations. Arnold Press is a variation of this exercise.

1. Barbell Military press

Barbell Military press

Barbell Military press

Finally the number one exercise in the list is the Barbell Military Press. This shoulder exercise can be performed both standing and sitting. The deltoid and anterior shoulder muscles are worked in this exercise. Holding a barbell shoulder width apart, lift it over your head and gradually move the barbell at the back of your neck. This makes one rep. Barbell military press is the shoulder exercise which is used most frequently. This exercise can also be performed using dumbbells or machine.This was the top 10 list of best shoulder Exercises. If you have any thing to share about the post, please do so in the comments below.



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