Top 10 Best Exercises For Bigger Arms


Arms workout is one of the most favorite workouts of many people. Lets face it; bigger arms attract attention. Men especially love bigger arms because it makes them look good and attracts a lot of female attraction. On the other hand, having bigger arms is essential if you want to lift heavy weights in other workouts like chest and shoulders.

Arm muscles consist mainly of triceps, biceps and forearm. One common mistake most people do is training biceps more than the triceps. Triceps are the biggest arm muscles and therefore must be trained more. Bicep is a small muscle and care should be taken so that it is not over-trained. The best way to bigger arms is to train antagonistic muscles i.e biceps and triceps alternating. This means that after completing sets of a triceps exercise, say Close-grip bench press, move to a bicep exercise, like dumbbell curls. This means that your biceps and triceps work alternating and this leads to bigger growth of muscles and results in bigger arms. Another common mistake in arms workout is that most people focus more on doing curls rather than pull-ups and dips. Pull-ups and dips not only work out your arms but also help you build strength which allows you to lift heavier weights.

Arms attract a lot of attention. Some people train arms twice a week, some train them with chest and wings workout, but it is recommended to have at least one full day for arms workout. Also it is preferred that there is at least a day’s gap after arms workout so that your muscles can recover.

Eating proper diet, especially proteins, is essential for bigger arms. Also sugar has to be avoided because it kills your muscles.If you do these things properly, there should be no problem for you to achieve bigger arms.


Following is the list of the top 10 best exercises for bigger arms:



10. Hammer





Hammer is a great exercise for your arms. It hits your forearm and biceps. It also allows you to have strength in your wrists which is essential if you want to lift heavy weights. It hit the forearm the most and is a very effective exercise for bigger, better arms.


9. Concentration Curl


Concentration Curl

Concentration Curl


Concentration curl, as the name suggests, concentrates on your biceps. Your triceps are resting against your knees and the complete focus is on biceps. Concentration curl is a great exercise to gain muscle peak. It allows your biceps to grow bigger and helps in pumping up your arms.


8. Incline Dumbbell Curls


Incline Dumbbell Curls

Incline Dumbbell Curls


Incline Dumbbell Curl is very similar to seated dumbbell curls, with the only difference that the seat is inclined and it allows a bigger movement for your arms. It focuses on biceps and is a similar exercise  like concentrated curls, where your triceps are resting and biceps are working. It helps the biceps peak and is one of the best exercises to gain size.


7. Preacher Curl


Preacher Curl

Preacher Curl


Preacher curl is similar to concentration curl because your triceps are resting and complete focus is on biceps. It is called preacher curl because the pose during the exercise is that of a preacher. It helps peak tour biceps and is a great exercise to gain bigger arms.


6. Push Ups


Push Ups

Push Ups


Push Up is a great upper body exercise which uses your body weight. Push ups pump up your triceps and chest muscles primarily, as well as your back. Push Ups are a great warm up exercise but some people also use it as a finisher. To hit triceps, the push ups should be with hands together.The wider the hands from each other, the more it will work on chests and the closer the hands together, the more it will work on triceps.


5. Push Downs


Push Downs

Push Downs


Push Downs is a triceps exercise. It really works up your triceps. It is recommended to use heavier weights because heavy weights tend to make triceps respond better. There are many variation which you can do during push downs. For instance, you can use a rope, a V or a cable. You can also vary the distance between your hands to work up different parts of triceps.


4. Chin Ups


Chin Ups

Chin Ups


Chin Ups are great if you want to gain size and strength. Chin Ups is one of the most underrated exercises. Many people focus on curls, but it is the Chin Ups which really increase your biceps size. Chin Ups also work your back. Chin Ups should be done as slowly as possible to put all the tension in your arms.


3. Chair Dips


Chair Dips

Chair Dips


Chair dips, like chin ups, are great for size. These work on triceps. It uses your body weight but you can vary the exercise by adding extra weight. Chair Dips hit your triceps and are great if you are looking for bigger better arms.


2. Parallel Bar Dip


Parallel Bar Dip

Parallel Bar Dip


Parallel Bar Dip is one of the best arm exercises. It uses your body weight. It hits your triceps, chest and back. It is one of the few exercises which give instant results. It is great for warm up but should be used regularly.


1. Close Grip Bench Press


Close Grip Bench Press

Close Grip Bench Press


Close Grip Bench Press is very similar to the chest bench press, with the only difference that the distances between the hands is reduced so that it hits your triceps more. It is very efficient exercise, allowing you to gain size as well as strength. It should be constantly used in your arms workout and will help you in achieving your goal of bigger, better arms.


This was the list of the top 10 best arm exercises for bigger arms, focusing on your biceps and triceps. What do you think about the list? Do you agree? Would you like to give some suggestions? Please let me know in your comments. Thank you.




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2 Responses to “Top 10 Best Exercises For Bigger Arms”

  1. salman says:

    hi. i am salman my i am a thin boy i go to gym i do arms exercise i want to get a bigger aram tell me exercise which is grow my hand size and i do regularly hand exercise but then again my hand egg is not coming. tell me exercise which is better for me i am waiting of your reply.

    • Zain Anjum says:

      Hi Salman. I would like to know your exercise schedule to answer you better.

      The biggest mistake people make in gym is over training arms and neglecting other body areas like chest and shoulders etc. Also when doing arms workout, be sure to put more emphasis on the triceps instead of biceps. Triceps are the bigger part of your arms and therefore should be trained more often.
      For wrist, do exercises like wrist curls, Wrist Rotations and Reverse Wrist Curls.

      If you want to ask anything else, let me know

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